Coffee has become a daily necessity of modern-day human life and a neglected element of energy-booster. Coffee is an excellent source of caffeine, which is a natural stimulant that helps in enhancing cognitive functions and keeps depression at bay. Aeropress is one of the best mediums to brew coffee with its simple, easy-to-use, and high portability features. However, brewing error can lead to a poor-quality cup of coffee, a poorly brewed cup. In this blog, we are going to discuss tricks and tips to get a better coffee out of Aeropress.

1. Use Clean Aeropress and Fresh Water

We can improve coffee quality by using a clean filter and equipment. If you use your Aeropress frequently, make sure the Aeropress and filters are clean to prevent any leftover oils from sticking to it, which could ruin the coffee’s pure taste. Poor-quality water can also result in a weak or unpleasantly acidic flavor. Start by using cold, fresh water; hot water removes chlorine that water treatment plants add to municipal water supplies to kill contaminants. With better water, you’ll get better coffee.

2. Correct Water Temperature

Water temperature impacts the flavor profile of brewed coffee. The ideal water temperature for brewing coffee is roughly between 195-205°F or 90°C to 96°C. If it’s lower, it under-extracts coffee, and if it’s higher, it over-extracts coffee, resulting in bitterness and burnt coffee flavor. So make sure to stick to a precise 195-205°F or 90°C to 96°C water temperature.

Best Paper Filter
AeroPress Brand Paper Micro Filters – 700 Count
$14.95 ($0.02 / Count)

Designed for use with the AeroPress Coffee and Espresso Maker, the paper microfilters prevent grounds from entering your cup, unlike with French press coffee brewers. Micro filtered coffee and espresso so pure and particle-free that it can be stored for days in a refrigerator as a concentrate and later made into delicious American coffee!

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03/20/2024 12:59 pm GMT

3. Brewing Ratio

The ratio refers to the amount of coffee and water you use, which influences the intensity of the coffee taste. Adjusting the coffee-to-water ratio is an important factor in making good coffee. The recommended coffee-to-water ratio is 15 grams of coffee to 240 mL (or 8 Oz) of water. Experiment and make minor adjustments to suit your individual preferences, as different people enjoy different strengths of coffee.

4. Grinding Size

Grind size plays a crucial role in the extraction of coffee particles during the brewing process. Grind size affects how easy or difficult it is to extract the flavor of coffee beans. The correct grind size will depend on variables like the batch’s freshness, roast variety, and how long you intend to brew. Generally, medium grind size is preferable for Aeropress coffee brewing. A grinder with burrs rather than blades will provide a consistent grind from coarse to fine texture.

Best Overall AeroPress Organizer
HEXNUB AeroPress Organizer Caddy Station

Our AeroPress Organizer is the perfect space saver. Premium grade bamboo caddy station holds your full coffee maker kit including scoop, stirrer, filters plus room for your two favorite mugs. Two heat resistant silicone mats catch any spills, and you’ll find them easy to clean.

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03/20/2024 02:25 pm GMT

5. Stirring & Pressing

Stirring makes Aeropress coffee taste better, and pressing with steady pressure is also important to avoid the bitter or over-extracted taste. The ideal brew time to press is between 1.5 to 2 minutes. Gently stirring the mixture of coffee and water for around 10 seconds after pouring the water will help to release trapped oils under the crust, creating a more pleasant flavor.


Aeropress is an excellent method for making coffee, but getting a good cup of coffee is not a one-time endeavor. Making a good cup of coffee from AeroPress takes practice and patience, and these tips and tricks will definitely help you to achieve a delicious cup of coffee every time. Start with clean equipment and fresh water at the right temperature; use the correct ratio of water to coffee, grind beans correctly, stir well, and press evenly. With these practices, you’ll enjoy a perfect cup of coffee.

Nespresso Vertuo Coffee and Espresso Machine by Breville, 5 Cups, Chrome

The Nespresso Vertuo Coffee and Espresso Machine by Breville is a stylish and convenient coffee maker. This machine is designed to make 5 cups of delicious espresso and coffee, with each cup made to your exact preference. Thanks to the easy-to-use manual feature, you can customize each brewing experience with just the right amount of coffee. The bright chrome finish will look stunning in any kitchen, while the size (11.91”D x 11.93”W x 8.32”H) makes it an ideal fit for even smaller countertops and pantries. The durable stainless steel construction ensures that this machine will last as long as you do while giving a consistent yet personalized brew every time! Get ready to savor the perfect cup of coffee or espresso thanks to the Breville Nespresso Vertuo Coffee and Espresso Machine!

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03/22/2024 12:51 pm GMT