Chances are drinking a cup of coffee (or two, or four) is part of your morning routine. Because it’s part of your routine, you’re drinking those calories and that fat every single day! Whether you’re trying to cut those last couple of pounds or just looking to be conscious of what you’re putting in your body, we’ve got a couple of hacks to make your coffee habit healthier!

Ditch the Cream and Sugar

Black coffee, by itself, is just under 10 calories per 12 ounce cup! That doesn’t sound too bad, right? Once you start adding in cream, sugar, flavor shots, and whipped cream, you’re looking at hundreds of calories!

But you’re not just looking at calories, but fat and sugar to start your day off on the wrong foot! Ditch the extras to make your coffee healthier.

Stick to Almond Milk

Okay, we get it. Black coffee is a bit too bitter for you!

Instead of using whole fat milk and sugar, consider using alternatives like almond milk and zero calorie sweeteners to get a similar case at a fraction of the calories!

Brew With Better Beans

Not only are organic and fair-trade beans more ethically sourced, they’re also better for you!

Avoid Drinking on an Empty Stomach

Several studies show that drinking coffee on an empty stomach can cause a variety of health problems, showing that it is far riskier than most people think! Among many possible issues, it can damage the lining of the stomach and cause severe heartburn, especially if the coffee is particularly acidic!

Put Some Chocolate On It!

Yeah, you read that right! We’re not talking about just any chocolate, we mean dark chocolate and cocoa. Not only will this add flavor to your boring cup of coffee, but the health benefits of dark chocolate are widely reported!

Stop Using Those Creamers

Artificial creamers are packed with sugars, artificial flavors, and loads of other crap. You don’t need that in your body or on your waistline! Instead, try almond milk, black coffee, or even butter! Choosing a more natural option can be a very easy way to make your coffee healthier.

Try Some Cinnamon

Cinnamon will spruce up your boring cup of coffee and give you a number of health benefits!

Before You Go!

Hopefully you found something here that you liked? Whether you did or you didn’t, we appreciate you supporting our site! Our efforts here are fueled by you and a healthy dose of coffee. Feel free to check out our other articles, guides, lists, and more!