You want to roast your own coffee beans, but you’re not sure how to get started. It seems like a complicated process, and the last thing you want is to end up with a burnt, bitter batch of coffee. We feel you.

But roasting coffee beans doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, it’s a lot easier than you think—especially if you use a popcorn popper. Below, we’ll show you how to roast coffee beans using a popcorn popper, so you can enjoy the fresh, delicious taste of roasted coffee at home.

Why a Popcorn Popper? 

A popcorn popper is great for roasting coffee beans because it circulates the hot air evenly around the beans as they roast. This ensures that the heat is distributed evenly throughout the batch of coffee beans, resulting in a consistent flavor profile from cup to cup. Additionally, many popcorn poppers have temperature controls that allow you to adjust the heat of the air as desired. This can be helpful when you are trying to achieve different flavor profiles or roast levels.

Franklin's Original Whirley Pop Stovetop Popcorn Machine Popper

Franklin's Original Whirley Pop Stovetop Popcorn Machine Popper is perfect for those who love the movie theater taste and aroma of fresh popcorn. This stove top popper makes up to 6 quarts of gourmet popcorn in minutes. The Franklin's Gourmet Popcorn Popper features a stainless steel kettle, tempered glass panels, and an exclusive heat sensor that automatically turns off the heat when popping is complete. It has a built-in stirring system with a swivel cord and power cord storage that allows you to stir without lifting the lid.

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03/13/2024 10:21 am GMT

What You Need to Know About Roasting Coffee Beans

Before you start, there are a few things you need to know about roasting coffee beans.

Roasting coffee beans is a process that caramelizes the natural sugars in the bean. This transforms the flavor, color, and aroma of the bean. The degree to which you roast the bean will determine its final flavor profile.

There are a few things to keep in mind when roasting coffee beans. First, you need to roast them in a well-ventilated area, as the fumes created by roasting are not healthy to breathe in. Second, the beans will reach their peak roast about 10 minutes after they start popping. So be sure to keep an eye on them during the roasting process.

Coffee Bean Roaster Machine for Home Use

This is a coffee roaster machine for home use, it can roast coffee beans automatically. It has many features such as the temperature control system, the time control system and so on. It can roast any type of coffee beans you want to roast in your own way. With this machine, you don’t have to go out and buy roasted coffee anymore because you can do it by yourself at home now. You will be able to enjoy fresh roasted coffee every day! Buy one right now!

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03/13/2024 10:27 am GMT

Lastly, it’s important to note that not all popcorn poppers are created equal when it comes to roasting coffee beans. Some poppers have a tendency to scorch the beans, which will give them an unpleasant taste. So be sure to do your research before choosing a popcorn popper for roasting coffee beans.

How To Get Started? 

The first step in getting started with roasting your own coffee beans using a popcorn popper is to acquire one. You don’t need an expensive model; any standard air-popping machine should do just fine.

Once you have your machine, make sure it is clean and ready for use – if there are any leftover kernels from popping popcorn, remove them before beginning your bean roasting process.  Next, select your green (unroasted) beans and measure out about 1/4 cup worth into the popper’s chamber. Place your lid on top and turn on the machine at medium heat (generally about 3-4 settings). 

As soon as you hear the first crackle of a bean popping open, it’s time to start paying close attention! Keep an eye on color development by peeking through the lid every 30 seconds or so until you reach desired roast level (usually around 5 minutes). 

When finished, remove from heat and pour into an empty bowl or colander for cooling down. Once cooled off completely, transfer into an airtight container for storage until ready for use! 

Electric Coffee Beans Cooling Machine No Chaff for Home Coffee Use

This Electric Coffee Beans Cooling Machine is perfect for coffee enthusiasts who want to keep their beans fresh and cool. The machine has a double-layered space to store beans, as well as a powerful fan that keeps them cool and completely silent. It's also easy to clean, making it the perfect choice for any coffee lover.

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03/13/2024 10:45 am GMT

Benefits of Roasting Your Own Coffee Beans

Roasting your own beans can have several great benefits. For starters, you get to experience the full range of aromas and flavors that become available as the beans roast. As the beans reach different stages of roasting, from light to dark and beyond, you will get a different taste in your cup than what you can find in a pre-roasted bag of coffee.

You also have complete control over the source of your beans and their freshness—you are as close to knowing exactly how everything was handled from farm to cup. You also know exactly when it was roasted, whereas store-bought bags don’t always share this information. It’s important to remember that freshly roasted beans provide more flavor, aroma, and boldness in comparison with aged ones.

Finally, roasting at home means convenience—you never have to worry about running out of coffee because you can whip up some freshly roasted beans right away!


You might be surprised to know that you can roast your own coffee beans right in your own kitchen, using nothing more than a popcorn popper. It’s a great way to get that fresh, just-roasted flavor, and it’s a lot easier than you might think.

All you need to do is follow a few simple steps, and in just a few minutes you’ll have a batch of roasted coffee beans that you can use to make your favorite coffee drinks. So why not give it a try? It’s a fun and easy way to take your coffee game to the next level.